Do Not Track

Turn Do Not Track on or off

What is Do Not Track

Do Not Track (DNT) is a privacy preference available in most web browsers, including Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge. It allows you to send a request to websites not to collect or track your browsing activity.

How to enable Do Not Track

To enable DNT in your browser, follow these steps:

  1. Open your browser.
  2. Go to the settings menu.
  3. Find the privacy settings.
  4. Enable the Do Not Track option.

Limitations of Do Not Track

It's important to note that DNT is not a foolproof way to prevent websites from tracking you. Some websites may not comply with DNT requests, and others may find ways to track you even if you have DNT enabled. However, DNT can be a полезные инструмент in protecting your privacy online.


Do Not Track is a valuable privacy tool that can help you control how websites track your browsing activity. While it's not a perfect solution, it can be a useful way to protect your privacy and reduce the amount of data that websites collect about you.

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